Thursday, June 22, 2006

Another position and teacher gone

Word on the street is that Ms. Smith, a 3-year foreign language teacher, has been laid off because of cuts to City College's faculty budget.

That's three faces - Mr. Jefferies (Social Studies), Ms. Giorgis (Foreign Language), and Ms. Smith (Foreign Language) - as part of the rumored eleven positions that are being eliminated.

Faculty positions are being cut by 15% and no one seems to be doing anything about it. Class size was already high this past year, with some classes up around 40. What will happen now? Why is no one doing anything about these layoffs, or about the position cuts?


Anonymous said...

losing jeffries is not a bad thing; he really wasn't a very good teacher.

losing hooks is another matter all together.........

Young'un said...

Ms. Smith?!
Wow, that really sucks. She was my first Spanish teacher. I have a lot of memories from that one semester in her class, one of the more fun classes in recent memory, at least to me.
She was, at times, lax, but we always got the work done, and done right, may I add.

Young'un said...

...Mrs. VanderMeer was smart to get out when she did.

Anonymous said...

Hooks is gone? That is a huge blow. What are the details? What a great teacher...

Anonymous said...

she's headed to poly. she had a tough year; department chair was unreasonable as was aberle. it is a huge loss for city.........

Anonymous said...

Yup, that really sucks.

Anonymous said...

It's great that we beat Poly in sports, but if we lose to them in great teacher retention, isn't the athletic accomplishments beside the point?

Young'un said...

^As far as we've seen, and as far as we know, evidently not. As long as we're beating Poly on the gridiron, who gives a rat's ass about the academics side of it? (sorry for the choice of words...)