Monday, September 08, 2008

No End In Sight

So it’s been strangely quiet on the Mr. Percy front. I haven’t been able to get much out of anyone. All I know is that Mr. Dawson held a meeting last Tuesday for parents and some students. I heard that he read off of a printout for over an hour straight and went over some of the same tired lies, er, lines about Mr. Percy, even adding a few new ones about how Mr. Percy tried to hire his girlfriend or his girlfriend’s friend or something like that to work in the college advising office. My understanding is that Mr. Dawson just flat out made this one up because no one seems to know anything about it.

The one positive thing is that apparently Mr. Dawson did admit that he was the only one that wanted Mr. Percy gone and that everyone else on the hiring committee that he created for the college advising office actually did not even want to start the interview process. But Mr. Dawson insisted on it, and then ignored all the committee members' votes and fired Mr. Percy the day before school. This issue should NOT just go away. This not only hurt Mr. Percy, who I think is still looking for work, it also really hurt the Class of 09! Our school should not be run like this! At this point it really is up to us to do something, so please keep e-mailing Alonso ( and/or Shaw ( Tell them that Mr. Dawson hasn’t resolved this issue and is simply trying to ignore it.

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